Tag Archives: California
Wine tasting, graduating, showering, partying
So, the title of this post explains everything and nothing all at the same time. 😉 If you were wondering where I’ve been for the past couple weeks, you came to the right place to find your answers. I was … Continue reading
DIY Save the Date Banner
Our Valentine’s dinner was a huge success! Dane loved the chicken (it is one of his favorites after all) and we ate a nice candlelit dinner at the dining table (as opposed to on the couch where we usually eat!). … Continue reading
DIY “Will You Be My Bridesmaid?” Cards
Phew! I am finally back to blogging after a short hiatus called “wedding planning craziness” while I was in California last week. Before I left for Cali, I imagined having lots of extra time to blog along with relaxing in … Continue reading
We are women, hear us roar!
A couple weeks ago I talked a little bit about our training schedule for the half marathon we trained for. And now I am very proud to announce that my mom, sister, and I finished the Inaugural Tinker Bell Half … Continue reading