If you follow me on Pinterest, you may already know that I’ve jumped in head first to wedding planning. Pinterest is a blessing and a curse for this because it’s giving me so much inspiration, but it’s almost overload!
Dane and I have decided on an October 2012 wedding. We picked October for a few reasons.
- Fall is our favorite time of year
- October gives us as much time as possible to plan without getting too close to the holidays (we have a lot of close family and friends that will be coming from afar)
- My parents were married in October
- and, lastly, 2012 is a great year because 12 is my favorite number! (It was my soccer jersey number, and yes, I’m one of “those” girls :))
That’s why when we saw that 10.12.12 landed on a Friday, we thought it might just be perfect. And so far it’s worked out well in our favor. We have the church and reception venue set (I’m not going to tell y’all that info until after the big event…wouldn’t want any wedding crashers…you’ve all seen the movie, right? 😉 ).
Other than that, we have nothing set in stone. Here’s some random inspiration pics from pinterest.
I’ve always loved gerber daisies (I even have a tattoo of one on my foot! Ya, I got edge. ;)) so it only makes sense that I would use the flowers in my wedding.
One of the possibilities.
{original image from this website}
I’m toying with the idea of having all my bridesmaids wear different shades of the same hue kinda like this.
{original image from here}
I really want to incorporate photos of our parents on their wedding day.
{no original link found through pinterest (let me know if you know where it’s from!) here’s the pinterest link}
Considering alternatives to flowers (they can be so expensive!) to cut down our budget. This is one of my favorites that I found. I would love to DIY something that I could keep forever instead of throwing away the next day.
{originally from this etsy store}
Before lots of this other stuff needs to fall into place, Dane and I need to create some Save the Dates. I have no idea what we’re going to do for this. I’m hoping to recruit a friend to take some pictures for us. We shall see. This is one that I thought was simple, cute, and to the point.
{original image from here}
I feel like there are almost too many cute ideas out there! Prioritization is going to be the name of the game when it comes to all the details.
Anyone else in the midst of wedding planning? Any tips for me as I begin this journey?

So fun!! I loved planning our wedding and I did it for 225 in 6 months
I also used gerber daisies for our main flower. If you are looking for a way to save money, we used gerber daisy vines from JoAnne’s (use a coupon or if you know a teacher, they have a discount card) . We used the daisy vines for decoration and filled it in with greenery (real), tulle and then used real daisies as well.
Have fun and try not to stress. Just know that the guests will never know what details may or may not be there…..and in the end NO MATTER what happens YOUR day will be PERFECT!! {trust me, I almost didn’t have a cake at the last minute, and I could’ve cared less because I was getting married that day!!}
Thanks for the tips! I’ll have to look into that!
I love love love the ombre dress look! The save the date is adorable as well (and so easy!). I noticed you have been “pinning” a lot of turquoise and pink (yes I am a stalker!) and I love it! It’s so bright and cheery, very YOU! Also, I think the gerber daisies are a great idea. You don’t need too many flowers to make the bouquet look nice and full which is such a plus in the budget department 😉
I love that you are a stalker! Especially since I stalk your pinterest as well! haha Yes…teal, turquoise, aqua… all oceany colors and of course pink! Very me…kinda like our old dining room…lol, but waaay classier!
I have a million ideas in my head about how to have zero or only a few flowers for our centerpieces…I need to start making mock ups and see how they’ll work!