I can’t take credit for this amazing breakfast (or lunch!). I had actually forgotten all about how delectable this combination was until my friend, Emily, recently reminded me. I went to school in Orange County, CA and there is a little bagel shop down in Newport Beach that makes a pretty good bagel. Specifically, they make a bagel with cream cheese and avocado.
Since we recently made another Costco run, we were all stocked up on avocados…the good kind…not the zombie avocados that you usually find in these parts.
If you like bagels, cream cheese, and avocado you NEED to try this…it is so, so yummy!
Step one: Toast your bagel (I used a Thomas’ Everything Bagel Thin which is 110 calories).
Step B: Spread some cream cheese (I use the store brand whipped kind which is 70 calories. I actually measured out a serving before and it’s about what I spread on two pieces).
Step Three: The super yummy and perfectly ripe avocado! I used just one half of the avocado (about 150 calories…but all good fat! And they are high in potassium, B vitamins, vitamin E, and vitamin K!)
Lastly, the secret ingredient…Lemon Pepper! It gives it a little tangy kick…and I add just a dash of salt as well.
This isn’t winning any low calorie awards coming in at a grand total of 330, but it’s really not too bad and considering the nutritional value of the avocado. But, it’s certainly not the worst thing you could eat and it keeps you full for a while since avocado is also full of fiber.
This is the kind of breakfast that I love to eat slowly and really enjoy every bite, especially with a huge mug of coffee…mmmm, mmm, mmm.
Thank you to Emily for reminding me of how delicious this is! Glad I was able to recreate it!
Oh, and I started calorie counting again. I’m testing out a couple different iPhone apps right now. I’ll let you know which one I like and how it goes!

mmmmmm….lovin’ the lemon pepper
I forgot to put it on the first time I made this last week…it honestly makes such a difference!