Category Archives: Holidays
On the Ninth Day of Christmas…we had a Sugar Cookie disaster!
Ok, disaster may be a bit of an exaggeration. Let me start this story at the beginning. We’ve been having these cookie parties for a few years now and Cara or Jenna are always the hostesses… and they attempt to … Continue reading
On the Eighth Day of Christmas…we made Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls!
This recipe comes from my future mother-in-law (find out about our engagement here!) and it is arguably Dane’s all time favorite cookie (or candy depending on how you look at it). We’ve already discussed how I’m not quite as peanut … Continue reading
On the Seventh Day of Christmas…I made Chocolate Fudge!
If you’ve been reading my blog lately, you may have figured out that I am a chocolate lover…I mean, as a kid, I wouldn’t even touch creamsicles…I was all about the fudgsicles. So, I figured it was about high time … Continue reading
On the Sixth Day of Christmas…I made Salted Caramels!
I have always loved caramel (I pronounce it carmel, by the way), but had never tried to make it before. Then I saw Ina Garten’s recipe for Fleur de Sel Caramels and decided I had to make them for the … Continue reading